

  tell application "Finder"
    set twitter_dlg to display dialog "Twitterのメッセージ:"
        buttons {"キャンセル", "送信"}
        default button 2
        default answer "メッセージを書いて下さい…"

    set dlg_result to (button returned of twitter_dlg)

    if dlg_result = "送信" then
      set twitter_msg to (text returned of twitter_dlg)

      -- Logging in to twitter...
      tell application "Keychain Scripting"
        set twitter_key to first Internet key of
            current keychain whose server is ""
        set twitter_login to quoted form of
            (account of twitter_key & ":" & password of twitter_key)
      end tell

      -- post to twitter
      set twitter_status to quoted form of ("status=" & twitter_msg)
      set results to do shell script "curl --user " & twitter_login &
          " --data-binary " & twitter_status &

      -- ここからはGROWL専用…
      tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
        -- Make a list of all the notification types 
        -- that this script will ever send:
        set the allNotificationsList to {"TwitterNotification"}

        -- Make a list of the notifications 
        -- that will be enabled by default.      
        -- Those not enabled by default can be enabled later 
        -- in the 'Applications' tab of the growl prefpane.
        set the enabledNotificationsList to {"TwitterNotification"}

        -- Register our script with growl.
        -- You can optionally (as here) set a default icon 
        -- for this script's notifications.
        register as application "Twitter Updater"
            all notifications allNotificationsList
            default notifications enabledNotificationsList
            icon of application "Finder"

        -- Send a Notification...
        notify with name "TwitterNotification"
            title "Twitterメッセージ送信完了"
            description twitter_msg
            application name "Twitter Updater"
      end tell
    end if
  end tell
end try

このAppleScriptをショートカットキーにバインドしてれば、どこからでも指定したキーを押して、メッセージを書いて、送信…エラーチェックとかはやってないので、要注意。ダウンロードは へどうぞ。